Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Field Trip!

Tomorrow, I'm going to Stuttgart. The best part, I don't have to include it in my budget for travel, because I'm going with a class!

I'm taking a class about a specific composer and one of his operas is being performed. I've been told that the Stuttgart Staatsoper is one of the better companies in Europe, so hopefully it will just be super-exciting and will be "begeistert" (one of those weird German phrases that translates to "becoming the subject of a spirit.")

Anyway, I get to skip some class and not feel bad about it. Because we have to spend the night (the class only has 4 people, so we're doing the whole Hostel thing - I hope that the University has some standards when arranging beds), I don't have to go to my 8 am on Friday. Instead, I'll do some poking around Stuttgart and see what's there. I don't think I'll be bound to staying with this group of Germans because there are no "Land" tickets with which we can travel cheaply.

And then the day after I return from Stuttgart, I'm going to Berlin. Be prepared for some really boring (but hopefully enlightening) posts. *snore.* I've waited quite a few years to run amok amongst the crossroad of Europe. I will do my best not to poke fun of American politicians who may or may not have called himself a donut.

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