Saturday, July 10, 2010

What? Work?

Many things to tell you today. None of them of great excitement. Sorry.

1. I actually have to do work. I was dumb and told myself "oh, I'll do my presentations towards the end so I will have more confidence in front of the class and a better fluency in German." Well, while these may be true, it also means that I've put them off until the last minute, so I had two last week and one next week. My entire grade for my classes rides on that dumb presentation. Normally (in English) I would have the opportunity to give a riveting lecture of great success and consequence, but instead I stand up and mutter (in German) like a kindergärtner.

2. Professors are scary. They're not scary because they are big, burly, and could beat me up, but because they seem to be ambivalent. I told them at the beginning of the semester that I need this piece of paper called a "schein" with a grade. I told them that I will do what I need to receive this piece of paper, but I've been asked by 2 of them what I need. Dummy-I've told you. We've had this discussion. I'm just afraid that at the end of this semester, they're just going to give me a "participant schein" instead of a real one. And then I'll have to fight with UT, which will be a losing battle. Please, professors, listen to me.

3. It's really hot. I don't know how I ever survived in Texas, because the highs here are only in the mid-90s. I went to the grocery store this morning and I just wanted to hang out in the refrigerated section. On my way back, I put my frozen food in the back of my backpack so that it would cool my back for my hike to my apartment. I stick everything in the freezer, and it would take a lot of motivation (and hunger) to take it out and cook it, because as soon as I turn on that stove and heat a pan, the temperature in the apartment raises. I'd just rather eat cereal and ice cream. It at least makes me feel like I'm cooling off.

4. I'm going home pretty soon. This means that I need to clean this place. Anybody who knows me realizes that I'm comforted by clutter and am a pack rat. 6 months here and I've already accumulated too much stuff. Sometime next week (or the week after that, or the day before my flight leaves) I'm going to sift through my piles, decide if this little paper will be of great necessity in my future or not. Chances are, I'll put it in my "to decide later" pile. I'm not looking forward to that.

So now that I've successfully wasted time I could have spent doing something productive (but probably not), I say to you enjoy your air conditioner.

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