Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pre-Departure Session

So, this is my brand new blog. I guess that I've jumped onto the bandwagon way too late because all of the good screen names are taken.

I'm going to be studying abroad in Würzburg, Germany this spring/summer. At the end of February, I will fly into London, spend a week there and take a train to Brussels, from which I will then take a train into Würzburg to begin the month-long Deutsche als Fremdsprache course through the University before the beginning of the "real" semester.

This blog is here to chart my experiences. Come here for pretty pictures (if I can figure out how to do so) and exciting commentary about my daily goings-ons and travels. Right now, not much is to be said since I am still in the States, but as the excitement mounts, I will let you know my thoughts.

Bis spät!

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