Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So, I've lived in Bavaria for about three months now and I've just now ventured into the heart of Old Germany - the spirit and soul of everything anybody ever thinks of when they think of Germany: Munich.

First: Amanda came to visit me as her vacation. She finished school about a week and a half ago, flew here, and will go to work in Dallas a few days after she leaves here. My one-bedroom apartment has suddenly lost all space. I bought an air mattress for her, and it sits between my bed and my desk. This leaves no room for feet, especially when one of us needs to pee in the middle of the night. While I'm in class, she goes shopping, which she loves thoroughly (see blog: everything's so cheap here! These clothes are just what I like! Emily would love this!) Lucky for us, she came during a spell of German holidays - one on thursday, monday, and tuesday. I have class from 8am-10am on friday, but she isn't even ready by then, so we had a 5-day weekend. I told her to meet me at the campus bus stop at 10am, we hauled it to the train station and rode away to Munich.

So there is this great thing called the Bayern Pass. They exist for each of the Bundesländer in Germany (basically, the different "states") It allows you, along with up to 4 other people, to go anywhere within that state for an entire day for 28 euros. This is an incredible deal when you consider the price of gas and even owning a car here. So for 14 euros a piece and 4 hours on a train, we went to Munich. What did we find there? Good-old-fashioned-Bavaria, complete with Lederhosen. I thought this was merely a cheesy tourist thing, but then as we walked more and more through the streets, people actually wore them. Granted, some of them did it for the tourist appeal, such as in the Hofbrauhaus, where a live band played for our own amusement, but as Amanda and I made our way through the city, we realized hordes of people donning their traditional attire. Only too late did we realize that it was because of a Football (American: Soccer) game between the Munich and Milan teams. It was just like any UT football game, except substituting Cowboy outfits with Lederhosen.

We made a trip out to the Munich Olympic Park, which was just amazing. It's one of the coolest locations I've seen in my life. The architecture was so super-sci-fi, yet it serves its function. A+.

We later took a day trip down to Fuessen in the Bavarian Alps to see King Ludwig II's castle: Neuschwanstein. The castles were amazing, but the climb up the mountain wasn't.

Later we went to Nuremburg, which was a big let down. The city was cool to look at, but after about 3 hours, we were tired of the city, so we went back into Wuerzburg.

Friday, we head off to Paris. Whoot Whoot.

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