Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I've finally gotten a microwave. I've lived here for 2 and a half months surviving on cold food, that which can be made in a pan, or that which can be boiled in a pot. Needless to say, without an oven or microwave and a very small refrigerator, my meals have been pretty bland and unvaried. The story of my acquisition is fun.

I woke up very early today to do my laundry before whisking off to Frankfurt to pick up my much-anticipated visitor. My alarm went off, I threw on some presentable clothing, ran over to the washing machines, shoved my clothes in until no more could fit, paid my high ransom to wash, and pressed "go." It didn't go. Panic ensued. I was running a tight ship - I needed my clothes to wash while I showered, made and ate breakfast, and facebook stalked. After kicking the dumb machine, unplugging it and vainly searching for some alternate solution to make it go, I gave up. I kicked it again.

I decided to take my clothes out and wash them later. I still have at least one day's worth of clothing. Cruel fate ensued. The washer door was already locked, so my clothes were held hostage. No amount of bargaining or force would make the dumb door budge. I guess my persuasion skills aren't very well developed auf Deutsch.

I kicked the machine again.

I huffed and puffed back to my room, checked the flight schedule (to see that it was running two hours late - thank you Chicago O'Hare and your terrible reputation for flight punctuality), so I had two hours to wait for the building superintendent - who should be at work at 7:30 (or so it says on his office door.) He finally showed up - I appealed my case and he worked his magic. Apparently the electricity to the machines was cut off. WTF?

Anyway, in his office there was an array of articles left behind as former tenants evacuated their apartments. Since they're going to bulldoze half of the buildings on my property in the next 6 months or so, many people were forced to move out recently. I asked him if the items were for sale. He said they were free. I grabbed a microwave that didn't look like it was produced in the '70s. It was glorious.

I have yet to test it out. It has turn-dials, but I'm OK with that. I really hope it works well - I would love to eat real, warm food. Hopefully I won't be disappointed and have to kick the dumb thing.

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