Sure I'm not running away indefinitely, but many of the people with whom I have forged relationships will have graduated by the time I return, never again to be seen by me. Dramatic, I know. I'm sure our paths will cross again, and probably much sooner than I anticipate. It's a sad thing that I'm just uprooting and creating a void.
Besides the emotional tuggings of this last week, I'm having fun tying up loose ends. I set my forwarding address at the post office, I told the bank that I'll be using my cards abroad, I've told the City of Austin that I don't want their electricity after the 19th.
Now, what to do with all of my junk. I've managed to move things in waves, first at Thanksgiving, then at Christmas, but now I have the remnants and my apartment looks lifeless and sad. (Does anybody want a large desk?) This week, I have to make the last pushes to remove all of my things. What doesn't fit inside my 2-door coupe will just have to stay behind.
Or you could give your stuff to me! Except that desk.